
A few weeks ago, back in June, I sent you some information about an investment workshop I’d been to in London.

It was the PIE trading course run by Glynn Calvert and Paul Glynn. The one that can give you 12% to 28% annual returns from quick, simple, and very conservative monthly investments (takes around 15 minutes per month to do).

And I’ve tested that claim.  It really is that simple.

Now around the time I wrote to you we also had a big event looming on the horizon: the EU Referendum vote.

“Aha!” I thought. “This is going to be a perfect opportunity to pressure-test the ‘safety net’ that Glynn and Paul built into their PIE strategy!”

(They’ve included a clever feature that turns any potential losing investments around into immediate profit producers. And I do mean instant. As soon as you follow the steps and click the button more money hits your account. No waiting to see what the markets do first.)

“There’s going to be massive volatility hitting the market whichever way the EU Referendum vote goes,” I thought.

“So let’s see how this downside-protection thing works. Away from perfect ‘classroom conditions’ and under fire from live bullets.”

So I placed an order, sat back, and waited.

Now you might recall, on the morning of Friday 24th June, the FTSE 100 (the market I had invested in) opened 569 points lower. It showed an 8.9% loss in value overnight. I can’t think of a more jolting shock.

And you know what? The PIE safety net came nowhere near getting tested.

Even when faced with massive overnight losses in the FTSE, and all the brouhaha about the Brexit vote, the PIE strategy cranked out its expected 12-28% annualised return on investment. It was simply business as usual.

And it wasn’t just me. Here’s what Phil Michael – another PIE system user – had to say:

Hi Paul,

Just a quick note to thank you and Glynn for teaching me the PIE system.

I said on the training, as you explained the system to the class, it was like a ray of golden sunlight breaking through into my conscious.   I have not been disappointed.

I returned eager to try out what had been explained. 

I opened a dummy account to learn how to use the platform. Within a few days I was putting funds into a live account determined to try out the system live.

I placed two trades. Two weeks later Brexit happened and the system catered perfectly well with the resulting market turmoil.

I am now completely convinced that I have the trading system that I have been looking for many years.  It completely blows other systems that I have tested out of the water.

I am looking forward to using the PIE system for many profitable years to come.

Thanks again,

Phil Michael

Word has got around.

And under pressure of demand Glynn and Paul have decided to run one more workshop on Wednesday 27th July.

So if you too are looking for a way to quietly generate 12%-28% returns on your savings for years to come I think you should seriously consider attending.

It might be your only chance.  So click here now to find out how to reserve your place.

Remember, this is not high-octane trading. This is carefully cranking out consistent profits in a way that could easily become your personal pension plan during the uncertain times ahead.

  • It’s quick and easy to do. Takes around 15 minutes per month.
  • It generates consistent profits. It’s never had a month which has lost money, even under the most volatile market conditions like the Brexit vote in June.
  • There are no charts to watch. You just place your order and watch the money immediately enter your account.

Anyone can do it. You don’t need any previous experience or even a great interest in the financial markets. It’s simply a case of following the steps that Glynn and Paul will show you (you also get a comprehensive reference manual to take home with you).

The only thing I would say is that you need at least £4,000 as a starter fund for your investments.

Now the workshops are small intimate affairs. Glynn and Paul will teach you personally and give you all the individual attention you need. So it means there are only ever a handful of places available.

If you’re ready to learn the PIE system on July 27th I’d urge you to secure your place now.

Click here for full workshop details and to reserve your place.

When you walk out of that workshop at the end of the day you’ll have the power to generate income and grow your capital at the rate of 12% to 28% per year, whatever the economy is doing.

You could even show your children how to do it too, so they can protect their own futures.

And that gives you a feeling of confidence and security that’s hard to describe.

This will not be a waste of your time, I promise.