It’s everywhere at the moment.

Some traders play it safe and wait on the sidelines. Others are convinced choppy markets are where their treasure lies.

So let’s play devil’s advocate… let’s say you’re about step out and seek your fortune in the financial markets, which will it be?

Will it be stocks and shares; precious metals; commodities; cryptocurrencies; or Forex?

There are so many!

Surely there’s one type of market that’s best.

One to rule them all.

A market that never makes you lose. One that treats investors kindly and smiles warmly upon them – pats them on the head as it drops wads of cash into their eager outstretched palms…

…a benevolent KING of markets!

You’d think so, wouldn’t you? After listening to whoever’s been advising Lee-Anne…

Here’s what she says:

“Why Forex and not stocks?  One person says stocks are the only way to go as forex is just too quick and you can get burned and other people say the opposite, like you.

“I have been persuaded somehow that they [stocks & shares] are better than forex.  However, if I can learn to trade forex and make an income, great!”

(Lee-Anne is new to trading. She says she’s been listening to a few ‘gurus.’ She emailed me questions seeking clarity on which markets to look at.)

Now, I don’t know who’s been advising Lee-Anne on the Stocks V’s Forex thing…

‘Forex is just too quick and you can burned?’ It sounds like playground tittle-tattle to me, like ‘my bike’s faster than yours,’ or ‘my Dad is tougher than yours.’

It makes you wonder about the true motives of this advisor, doesn’t it?

Because here’s the harsh reality they seem reluctant to tell, yet I’m about to reveal for all to see…

Are you ready?

Here goes:

There is risk with EVERY type of trading in EVERY market.

Yes. Forex, stocks, commodities, cryptocurrencies, or whatever else, you can lose money with them ALL.

If you don’t trade in a responsible manner, that is.

Traders only get paid if they assume a level of risk. That’s how the game works. No one knows for sure what’s going to happen next. We’re speculators. And anyone telling you otherwise is leading you up the garden path.

So our very first job as responsible traders is to manage the downside risk.

It ensures we always live to fight another day, no matter the result of individual trades.

Only then can we look at profiting from our actions.

My personal trading philosophy is based on this reality. And it is detailed in quite stark terms inside the Trader’s Nest Trading school here:

Now, this kind of brutal honesty might be miles away from the misleading and inflated claims you might hear from people in the trading industry. But you’ll get no fluff and nonsense from me. Only battle-tested trading principles.

If you have a bit of time on your hands at the moment why not spend an hour or two working your way through the opening lessons of the Trader’s Nest school?

It’ll be time well invested and it’s completely free of charge for you to enroll: